Dive Deep Into CARnage 2 With Videos, Podcasts, And More

CARnage 2, the sequel to the first CARnage STL set, is now live on Kickstarter!    The files for CARnage 2 contain an unbelievable amount of new cars, terrain, accessories, and more, and they are compatible with all Car Wars 6th Edition games. We are excited to announce that the...

Mmmm . . . Playmats

There are certain parts of modern gaming that are commonplace nowadays but nearly unheard of when I started. Like playmats. I have dozens of the things, and just about any game we play – especially card games – has a playmat that we use each session. Sure, I could probably...

More Post-Game Possibilities

I recently shared a story about a post-game ritual of my wife's family. While writing that one, I thought of another possibility that's not quite as widely implemented, but has been done at our gaming table sometimes to decent effect: If you plan to enjoy an afternoon or evening of...

Open Sauce Project

You know what's a quick-and-easy snack for the gaming table? Chicken nuggets – or "nugs," as those in the "stuffing one's face with breaded poultry morsels" industry put it. It's straightforward to toss 'em in the oven before the games begin, and later recover them during a quiet gameplay moment....

Lumberjills: A LARP About The WWII Women's Timber Corps

I've been fascinated with living history since my 3rd grade class went to Hale Farm and Village to learn more 19th century life in Northeast Ohio. So when I heard about Lumberjills, a LARP about a little known aspect of World War II history, I was intrigued.    Lumberjills is...

Munchkin Big Box Wrapping Up

Our biggest crowdfunding campaign ever, by a wide margin. As I write this, it's over $1,155,000, and is about to hit 8,000 backers. I am not even going to guess where it might end up. Whoa. It hit 8,000 while I was typing. There are only a few hours left....

Steve Jackson Games (And Munchkin ) In Forbes!

As a writer, I'm thrilled when I get to use the lowercase version of "august," because it throws my editors for a loop every time. In entirely unrelated news, we're always honored when we make an appearance in such an august publication as Forbes. They recently ran a piece on...

Shadowrun And More Sigmar – Coming This September!

It's that time again – time for us to share what's coming soon to Steve Jackson Games. While it's only mid-May, we're already looking ahead to the two exciting Munchkin releases we have planned for September, and you're going to love them!   Munchkin Shadowrun is a collaboration between Steve...

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