Warehouse 23 is the official online store of Steve Jackson Games, and it offers products from a wide variety of publishers. The current Warehouse 23 is a combination of the original Warehouse 23 project and the digital publication project e23. When the two merged, it created the opportunity for customers to purchase both physical and digital products in the same place. Warehouse 23 has been around since 2004, and we have continued to expand since that time.
About Steve Jackson Games
Steve Jackson Games was founded in 1980 by (no surprise here) Steve Jackson. We now publish books, games, and magazines for game fans.
Our best-known games include Munchkin, the irreverent game of dungeon crawling; Zombie Dice, the fast-paced game of brain-eating; GURPS, the "Generic Universal RolePlaying System"; OGRE, the classic simulation of future war; Car Wars, about battle on the highways; INWO, the trading card game of world domination; and the original Illuminati game on which INWO was based. We've released a lot of other games, too . . . too many to list right here.
We publish Pyramid magazine – the PDF magazine for roleplayers – which supports GURPS in all genres.
For more general information about SJ Games, see our FAQ file and the index of assorted news stories about us. A staff list is also online. And if you're interested in writing – especially in writing for Pyramid or a Warehouse 23 digital release – we'd like to hear from you!
We have listings of new and upcoming products, and a collection of recent press releases and other information.