Today's Recommendation: Toffee!
There's no wrong way or time to celebrate Valentine's Day, right? So you're not DONE with Valentine's even though it was a couple of days ago, right? Right. If you're looking to impress someone (or just indulge yourself!), I'd like to offer a treat that punches way above its weight class – seeming far too tasty and elegant for the amount of work it takes. Try toffee!
This rich, buttery treat costs big bucks if you buy it from the store, but it's really easy to make if you have the time to devote your attention to it. The only strange equipment you need is a candy thermometer.
Search around online for a recipe you like; I believe this one from AllRecipe is the one I've used most recently, but they're all pretty much the same: equal parts butter and sugar, some salt, and then however you wanna doctor it up (usually chocolate, often nuts).
Toffee is a lot like the best games: Simple yet rewarding, and you'll probably get sick if you eat a whole box.
-- Steven Marsh