
One thing that's always fascinated me about music is how it can't be confined to national or cultural borders. Whether by radio waves, mixtapes, or even contraband recordings, music finds a way to migrate. And as it does, it takes on new qualities that draw upon traditional sounds or new...

Munchkin Big Box Backerkit – Super-Duper Last Chance!

Hey, folks! Did you miss the record-setting Munchkin Big Box campaign in May? Did you miss the late-pledge option that was supposed to end last Thursday? If you're reading this, there's still time!! Maybe. Hopefully. The link for last-minute pledges is somehow still working! And I've confirmed that, indeed, if...

Make Today Cooler Than Ever With Pyramid #4/5: Modern/Action II!

It may be hot in the summer, but Pyramid remains as cool as it's ever been. For those who missed the super-successful Kickstarter a while back and have been weeping at opportunities missed in bygone days, we have good news: Pyramid #4/5: Modern/Action II is now available outside that crowdfunding...

Horsing Around With Munchkin Pony Excess

Giddy up, ya'll, and get ready to "stirrup" some trouble! Every Munchkin fan knows that the game is packed full of puns, and Munchkin Pony Excess is no exception. This expansion features 56 never-before-seen, hay-larious cards which can be easily shuffled into any fantasy-themed Munchkin deck. Munchkin 4 – The Need for...

Living Healthy To Avoid Paragraph 14

It went uncommented at the time in these pages, but January 1 of this year saw the sad death of James Herbert Brennan, author of the Grailquest series of gamebooks (among many others). Even as voracious a reader of the entire paragraph-quest-book genre as I was, the Grailquest series was...

My Computer Is Smarter Than Me

This is a footnote to the post I made about Arcadian Chain the other day. For it, I wanted to be precise about how long I've had my beloved dice bag. Based on the years that Arcadian Chain listed on their website for having attended Who's Yer Con, I guessed I'd...

Join The Quest To Become A Warlock Knight!

Warlock Knight is a programmed solo adventure for starting characters in The Fantasy Trip. Battle strange monsters in the wild, explore labyrinths, face danger on the high seas, and meet brave companion in the always-dangerous Warlock Kingdoms of Sedra. The campaign for David Pulver's sixth solo adventure for The Fantasy Trip with...

Itty-Bitty Data

I know we've all grown kind of inured to the general advancement of technology, but isn't it weird how you can store, like, a terabyte of data on a tiny memory card about the size of a fingernail? That fact still amazes me (as someone who grew up in the...

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