Arcadian Chain In My Campaign

Here's a better-late-than-never plug: Arcadian Chain. I bought this dice bag from their booth at Who's Yer Con way back in 2018. I loved it when I saw it, and I still love it. As you might intuit from both the company name and my scintillating photograph, it's a dice...


Convention season is approaching! Or, depending on your world view, it's always here, because there's usually something cool happening someplace. Hey, did you know we have a handy-dandy web page with all the cons we'll be at? Oh, and if you're looking to meet the one-and-only Steve Jackson himself, there's...

June 22 is Free RPG Day

I've been madly in love with roleplaying games since my high school boyfriend introduced me to the Dragonlance novels, Dungeons & Dragons, and Final Fantasy VII. That's why I'm excited about Free RPG Day, which is coming up Saturday, June 22. This annual event is a great way to learn...

A Fragment Of Underdone Potato... Or A Chance To Go Back In Time?

Every so often I'll forget to back a crowdfunding campaign and don't remember until it's over. Then I'll go, "Oh, no!" and race to my browser to find the tab. Occasionally, I'll discover that there's a late-pledge option of some sort. That's when I can live out my Ebenezer Scrooge...

Charity Miles

Walking in nature is its own reward, but it's nice to find a way of putting all those miles to good use. Many years ago, a friend who learned about my love of trails recommended that I check out Charity Miles, an app that allows you to raise money for...

Questions Three: Sabrina Gonzalez

Another brave soul has graciously agreed to answer our Questions Three! Today's participant is Sabrina Gonzalez. As the overseer of all things production-related at Steve Jackson Games, Sabrina has been instrumental in bringing hundreds of products and projects to life. If you haven't heard much about her before, it's probably...

More Munchkin And Car Wars Upgrades – Coming Soon!

We're just a few months away from autumn (already!), and we'd like to share October's new releases with you. Some exciting things are coming for Munchkin and Car Wars!   With 56 brand-new cards, Munchkin: Taken for Granite is the newest expansion for the classic game. Fight the Level 10...

Licensing Expo 2024

  In late May, I attended my first-ever Las Vegas Licensing Expo as the Managing Editor at Steve Jackson Games. As such, I am now officially an Expo Expert, a title I have entirely bestowed upon myself. Given that, here are my top five tips, in no particular order, for...

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