Announcing Freebie Fridays!

Beginning this Friday, June 7th, Steve Jackson Games will be showcasing some of our fun and totally FREE products from Warehouse 23 on our social media accounts. We're calling it Freebie Fridays!   On select Fridays, we will share our favorite downloadable files that you can score for just $0. ...

What Happened To Laser Pointers?

I recently talked about gaming advancements that didn't exist when I started but now seem to be everywhere. This one is kind of the opposite: Whatever happened to laser pointers? Sure, they're still around, but for a few minutes in the late 1990s, they seemed to be omnipresent. Admittedly, that...

Forging A Weird Future

I recently became aware of an aesthetic style that's become known as Frutiger Aero, roughly popular from 2004 to 2013. Its name comes from the combination of Windows Aero and the Frutiger font (which was ubiquitous in the corporate world during that era). Basically, it's that shiny-super-computer-generated-but-organic look that things...

SFWA Honors Jennell Jaquays

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Association (SFWA) has announced that the 2024 Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award is being presented posthumously to Jennell Jaquays. The ceremony will take place at the 59th Annual SFWA Nebula Awards ceremony on June 8.    The Kate Wilhelm Solstice Award is given to individuals...

Questions Three: Steve Jackson

You know who Steve Jackson is; if you don't, the fact that the very web page you're reading this from has some variation of "Steve Jackson Games" plastered prominently in at least one place should provide a vital clue. Hey, Steve! Do you mind if I borrow the "Questions Three"...

In Defense Of Scrappy-Doo

Like many folks about my age, I never much cared for Scrappy-Doo. I always found the character to be lackluster and annoying compared to the rest of the Scooby Gang. Recently, I've had episodes of the half-hour Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo mysteries on in the background as I work (it fulfills...

Car Wars And Mad Max

A recent Forbes article discussed boardgames that might appeal to fans of the Mad Max film franchise. Car Wars got a shout-out, as did Gaslands and a few other titles that feature some combination of apocalyptic wastelands and vehicular combat. I was honestly surprised to see how many of them...

Soup Du Jeu?

A while back, I mentioned the idea of inventing a new sauce for each game session, for chicken nugs or other dippable foods. Forum frequenter johndallman had a great idea: soup! This inventive GM would concoct a new soup to present at each monthly session. Soup is great "gaming food." It's...

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