Christmas In May? Yes, Please!

While we are still 7 months away from Christmas, it is never too early to start planning for gifts. We have two fun, easy family games to last all season! We still have a few of these left in our warehouse, and reprints will be arriving in September 2024.  ...

Cosmic Cat Comics Needs Help

I got my start professionally in the gaming world by working for Cosmic Cat Comics & Games in Tallahassee, Florida, during my college years. A fixture of Florida's panhandle for 37 years, the shop continued to evolve as the volatile hobby world did. The most-recent iteration of the Cosmic Cat...

Memento More-y!

I'm a community-theater geek (insert joke about "being dramatic" here). At the end of most shows, I've given a memento to the cast and crew. This might be an ornament (especially around holiday shows), knickknack, certificate, or something else thematically related to the show. If I were to run a...

The End Of Time?

As a writer and editor, I realize I'm having a hard time keeping up with recent history. By which I mean, I can conjure what life was like in – say – the 1950s, or the 1970s, or the 1990s with vivid clarity. But my brain breaks down totally when...

The Fantasy Trip Is At BGG.Spring

The BGG.Spring convention is now through May 27th at the Hyatt Regency DFW Airport, and we have some fun news.   Our friend Nathaniel has organized Those About to Die, Salut You - The Fantasy Trip Tournament at 10:00am on Saturday for a chance to win some great prizes from Steve...


This morning I head to England for, among other things, the UK Games Exposition. My first visit! By all accounts, it's big and fun. I will be running the TFT adventure The Effigy of the Oil Wastes, participating in a couple of panels, and catching up with some old friends....

Inventory On The First Play?

Am I alone in taking inventory of new games as I open 'em? When I'm enjoying that new-game smell, I'll generally do a quick count of the cards, parts, etc., and compare them with the parts list in the game itself. If I'm really feeling my oats (especially if I'm...

The Impossible Is Daily With GURPS Infinite Worlds: Atlantropa

Welcome to Atlantropa-1, a timeline where the mega-project to dam the Mediterranean and create 250,000 square miles for settlement came to fruition. And thus new land, new sources of energy, and new geopolitical problems became the norm. Book your passage to an amazing world with GURPS Infinite Worlds: Atlantropa. This...

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