It Was 25 Years Ago Today . . .

Well, not "today" today, probably, although anniversaries can be tricky to pin down. But way back in February 2000, I started doing stuff for Steve Jackson Games, releasing the first issue of Pyramid magazine I edited on February 18, 2000.

I went on to edit Pyramid for . . . well, I still edit it when new issues come out (like the 2022 GURPS Pyramid Scheme). Pyramid won a few Origins awards along the way.

During that time, I met Nikki Vrtis. She edits and lays out GURPS books (and has done so for 15+ years). We got married; we had a kid – who's now an adult. In the meantime I've done lots more stuff with GURPS, and anywhere I'm useful at the company. Nowadays, I also wrangle making the Fighting Fantasy books available for audiences in the United States.

So, yeah, that first issue of Pyramid was kind of significant for me. If you want to check it out, you can pick up the 2000 year archive from Warehouse 23 – although the the full collection of the Pyramid HTML archive is a way better deal.

(Although, to be honest, I don't dare read anything I wrote back then . . . Heck, I don't even like to read what I write now; I trust Nikki to edit me, like she'll do on this Daily Illuminator post.)

Thanks to everyone who's made the first quarter century possible, and I'll start drafting my next update for 2050!

-- Steven Marsh