Scurvy Buggers - Found Family RPG With Pirates!

Shed blood, shed tears, follow your flag and your heart wherever they lead in the Golden Age of Piracy . . . Now on Kickstarter is the first published game by our Car Wars line editor, Irene Zielinski. It's Scurvy Buggers from 9th Level Games; it uses the Polymorph system,...

Munchkin Scooby-Doo Available Now!

Munchkin Scooby-Doo hits stores today! That's right – now you can join Mystery Incorporated as they Kick Down The Door, fight the monster, grab the Treasure, and compete to reach Level 10. Each card features elements from the classic Scooby-Doo cartoon, including characters, monsters, and other fun references. Perfect for...

STL Spotlight

There are two notable Kickstarter campaigns that started on Monday, 10/16. But one of them ends Friday, so read this fast! One is the Throne of Shards by Matt of the Forge of Many Things. You'll see some of his work in an upcoming project from Steve Jackson Games; he's...

Choose Cthulhu Books Now Available On Warehouse 23

For those who didn't partake of the hit Kickstarter and are bemoaning having missed the multi-pathed methods of madness, we have tentacular news: the Choose Cthulhu books are now available on Warehouse 23! These books reimagine Lovecraft's original tales as choosable-path stories, with surprising secrets to expose and dangerous deviations...

Car Wars Companion Is Headed Toward The Finish Line

  The Car Wars Companion Kickstarter is off to a great start! We blew past our initial funding goal of $2,000 in under 10 minutes, and it currently (when I wrote this!) looks like we're headed north of $50,000. That's a whole lot of autoduelling!   If you haven't pledged...

News You Can Use With Geek Public

Ryan Omega has been many things over the years – his past roles include director, producer, writer, and host – but his latest venture might be his most intriguing. Inspired by the panel discussions at various conventions, Ryan decided to launch a new project called Geek Public on YouTube. We...

What's That You Say?

One hears some pretty odd things around the Steve Jackson Games offices. And technically on conference calls as well, as most of us are still working from home. It's best to just take these things in stride. For example, as we ramped up recently for a local convention, I overheard...

Gamehole Con Report

Only one day in and we're already having a great time! I'm at Gamehole Con in Madison, along with Amy and Irene. We are running demos and having a fantastic time. If you ever imagine that working for a game publisher is the same as getting paid to play all...

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