Help Jennell Jaquays Recover From Guillain-Barré Syndrome

I've been playing RPGs since I was in high school, but I'm a bit ashamed to say that I'd never heard of Jennell Jaquays until recently. Her work spans decades, genres, and game systems, and her Wikipedia page reads like a greatest hits list of 80s and 90s classics: Dungeons...

One Weird Nintendo Switch Tip

I love handheld video-game devices; I have a literal bookshelf of them. I particularly enjoy portable gaming on the Nintendo Switch. However, a lot of times – especially on games ported from desktop platforms – the text is too small to read comfortably on the handheld screen, at least for...

Game Day Is Back!

Happy Halloween, Feliz Día de Los Muertos, and a peaceful All Saints Day to all! We had an amazing turnout for our annual Halloween Game Day earlier this week. Obviously, we had to put this tradition on hold during the worst of the pandemic. And since March of 2020, most...

Travel To Worlds Of Atomic Horror . . . If You Dare!

'Tis the season of weirdness! What better way to put the troubles of the real world behind than to hop to a dimension next door and battle giant ants or citywide amorphous oozes? GURPS Infinite Worlds: Worlds of Atomic Horror lets you do exactly that! Building off the genre foundation...

Steve Jackson Games Attends Adobe Max

Hey there, I'm Meredith Placko, the CEO of Steve Jackson Games, and I guess it's about time to write a DI post! Three of our production staff and I took an unforgettable journey to Adobe Max 2023, and it was nothing short of amazing! Imagine a massive creative playground filled...

Nine FREE Scenarios For Car Wars

Back in the original Kickstarter campaign for Car Wars Sixth Edition, supporters unlocked nine free scenarios for use with the game. And this promise has now been fulfilled! In conjunction with the campaign for the Car Wars Companion – on Kickstarter through tomorrow, October 31 – we've released three packs of three scenarios...

The "Einstein" Tile – Now A Puzzle/Toy/Thingie!

You probably read about the "einstein" (one stone) tile a few months ago. Mathematician David Smith discovered a single shape – complex but strangely appealing – that could be repeated indefinitely to tile a surface without ever falling into a pattern. This is way cool and, as far as I...

72 Hours To Graceland Out NOW!

The second entry in Three Ravens Publishing's high-octane Dead Man's Run series came out yesterday, and is now available wherever ebooks are sold! 72 Hours to Graceland is an exciting and deceptively heartfelt story about an unlikely duo with everything to lose. I'll let the back cover blurb speak for...

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