Quick-And-Easy Gaming Tip: SMTP Edition

If you're in an roleplaying-game campaign that's remotely modern day, consider setting up an email address for a main character, and use that to send out "in-universe" emails to the players during downtime. It's a good way to provide background info, clues, or other fun tidbits, and make the setting...

What Is Your Koala?

Before my mom passed away, she had a koala collection. I'm not sure how it started, but by the time I became fully aware of it, it was a nontrivially large menagerie of myriad stuffed, ceramic, and otherwise iconographic koala memorabilia. I'm not sure how much she enjoyed them, but...

Explore 3D Printing At Your Local Library

There are a lot of 3D printing hobbyists out there, but many people encounter a significant barrier to entry – cost. Desktop 3D printers can cost anywhere from $250 to $10,000, and that's not including the price of PPE, resin, and other accessories. Fortunately, libraries across the country are offering...

The (Pathfinder) Revolution Has Begun!

Pathfinder Revolution! is available today at your friendly local game store! This game of gutter statecraft and secret bids for power is based on Revolution!, which was designed by Phillip duBarry and debuted way back in 2009. The setting for that game was a colonial city, which makes sense for...

Wiz-War STL Bust Collection Now On Warehouse 23!

Did you see the Daily Illuminator item from the other day about how Wiz-War STL Figures & Accessories are now available on Warehouse 23 and think, "Wow! How can they offer so many 3D-printable goodies? That's completely busted!" Well, that offer isn't, but this one is. Behold! The Wiz-War STL...

Good-Bye, Twitter. We Miss You.

Our website and new games will no longer show the logo of the slowly spinning sack of sewage formerly known as Twitter, nor will we ask you to find us there. This caused a little angst here – because we miss the Twitter that was – but the Twitter that...

I Guess This Makes Me A Rail Baron

Not long ago, I rode on the first trip of a renovated railcar originally built in 1948. Behind steam! And that's not even the coolest part. The coolest part is that Car 1877 (no name – in its former life, it mainly ran under its number, though it was labeled...

Roll Early, Roll Often

Here's a tip I've used in RPG campaigns where I – as the GM – expect to do a bunch of tricky rolling and don't want to slow things down: roll ahead of time. Either with physicall dice or an Excel spreadsheet and a printer, it's super easy to come...

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