Ogre Minis Set 4 Shipping Early!

Earlier this year we launched Ogre Minis Set 4, our first project on BackerKit's relatively new crowdfunding platform. Not only did the platform work well, we were very happy with the response to Set 4. Our tried and true Ogre fanatics showed up to support it, and we were also happy to see a lot of new folks interested in experiencing Ogre for the very first time! The response to the new-player pledge levels was so strong that we sold out of multiple pledge levels on the first day. Thank you!
Now on to the even better news.
At the onset of the campaign, we had estimated a June 2024 fulfillment date. We're happy to report that we are ahead of schedule, and the Warehouse 23 team started shipping orders of Ogre Miniatures Set 4 on April 9! Look for miniature tanks to arrive in mailboxes around the world over the next few weeks.
The remaining sets of Ogre Miniatures Set 4 will be made available on Warehouse 23 later this year.
-- Darryll Silva