No One Expects The Second Imposition!

Back in February, I wrote about the software I use to impose PDFs – that is, turn the PDF pages into properly formatted booklet pages suitable to make a bound volume.

Adam Wells wrote to me to point out a cost-effective option that might be at your fingertips. And by "cost-effective," I mean "free." Adam reports that Mac users may be able to do so directly from macOS. To quote the relevant section of the macOS User Guide:

If your printer can print two-sided pages, you may see an option called "Print as Booklet." This option uses a two-up page layout with saddle-stitched signatures that can be stapled through the center to create booklets.


Now, sadly, I can't confirm this option myself, because the feature seems limited to Ventura and Sonoma, and my version of macOS predates it. And, honestly, I don't really need it, because I already have the software I mentioned last time. Still, it's worth a shot if you're already on a Mac. Thanks again for the tip, Adam!

-- Steven Marsh