Tabloids Designer's Notes By Steve Jackson

XXX STARLET SEES UNDERGROUND DINOSAUR WORLD I started working on this game at least 20 years ago. I set it aside because it wasn't quite right, for itself or for the market, even though it playtested well. Like most first drafts, it was too complex, with a scoring system that...

Archives Are Amazing

I have some photo albums in my closet. They're under several boxed games (of course), and they'd frankly be a pain to get at. However, I have another archive: my computer. Due to the vagaries of copying over and folders with names like ###Backup-Backup Don't Delete March 3, 2014 and...

Checking Out A New FLGS In Austin

We're very fortunate in Austin to have a number of awesome game stores, so I know it comes off as spoiled to say the following: I wish there was one that was within WALKING distance of me! Well, now there is . . . with Bat City Games & Comics,...

Today's Recommendation: Walking

This is a post where I recommend walking. This is no doubt old advice, perhaps existing since the moment walking was invented (circa 1987), but I don't recall ever plugging it myself. I've been walking more-or-less daily for nearly the past 20 years. It's nothing too intense: about 20-30 minutes...

Book Tape!

Here's a quick DIY recommendation: book tape. Libraries and other bibliophiles rely on this sort of tape to make repairs and keep spines happy. (Book spines, that is . . . I'm still working on my own long-suffering bony counterpart.) Of course, book tape works great on books, but I've...

Your Best Gaming Haul?

I still remember my best gaming haul. I was an early teenager, visiting my dad as part of the child-of-divorce visitation package. My dad liked to go to garage sales; they were rare in my childhood south Florida, so they were pretty novel to me. At one garage sale, I...

Evil Genius Games Sues Netflix

The world of roleplaying games is no stranger to legal issues; pretty much any company in the space has dealt with its fair share (including us!). However, this may be one of the highest-profile lawsuits in recent memory, with Evil Genius Games laying down the law to Netflix, so to...

Unconventional Storage

This advice might be a decade or two out of date, but you all are clever souls, so this suggestion may still be of use to someone out there. The simultaneously goofiest and most practical storage solution we have in our house is this unassuming wooden unit. It's 29 inches...

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