A Plan Of Attack For Snacks

I saw a tip somewhere on the Internet that may be useful to someone out there: If you like having messy snacks at the game table, consider using chopsticks. I believe the original tip was in regard to cheese puffs, but we've used it for popcorn, strawberries, and other goodies....

Friendly Local Game Store Report: Sweets And Geeks

What happens when you turn a former hardware and lumber store into a place dedicated to candy, games, and pop culture ephemera? You get Sweets & Geeks, a Northeast Ohio game store writ very, very large. Whether you're looking for snacks and candy, Tradeable Card Game booster packs, a high-rolling...

Keeping Track Of Chits And Bits Redux

I previously pontificated a bit about one of our go-to solutions for keeping track of tiny pieces at the gaming table. (For those who don't want to click the link, it's 300 words about silicone cupcake-baking cups). But, like Yoda, I also hinted at another possibility. And it is both...

May Announcements: Express And Pony Excess

It's cold, snowy, and gray right now, but the delights of spring will be upon us soon enough. At Steve Jackson Games, we're already excited for the month of May – and not just because it'll bring us out of the deep freeze. We have two fantastic new releases that...

Going, Going, Gone?

We've had the new Warehouse 23 storefront for almost a year now, and I'm still learning cool bits about it. Case in point: I just realized that I can ask it to show me which items we only have a handful of left. This is very cool . . ....

Board Games On TV

We are living in the digital streaming age of television, so how could I relate TV back to board games? Believe it or not, tabletop gaming has played a funny, and sometimes quite serious, role in some of the most well-known series of all time.   Risk – Seinfield Season...

Humble Discworld Bundle

Humble has outdone themselves this time. Right now, they've got a Discworld Bundle on, supporting Room to Read. For a minimum of $18, you can get 39 Discworld books (almost the entire series) on Kobo.com. If someone has recommended the Discworld series but you don't know where to begin, well ....

In Each Retelling Finds The Twists In The Tales

Jasmine Garcia shares my love of stories. We've played in several TTRPGs together, and we love discussing how various books, movies, and TV shows have helped us shape the characters we inhabit during our games. Now Jasmine has expanded that conversation into a podcast called In Each Retelling, where she...

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