It's A Puzzle Wrapped In – No, Wait, It's Just Puzzles

For those tabletop RPG gamers who like an intellectual challenge (or even folks who like brain-teasers away from the game table), Gizmodo has a nice collection of logic puzzles, most of which have decent hooks and neat solutions. Be warned! Most of them are quite difficult. However, the underlying hooks...

Ogre Miniatures Set 4 Comes To BackerKit!

The year is 2085. Armored warfare has changed. It is now not just faster, but deadlier than it has ever been before. There are combine patrols, Paneuro GEVs, fencers, Alamo Super-Heavy tanks, Minotaur Howitzers, and other fierce and destructive infantry vehicles.   Based on the classic 1977 war game Ogre,...

Keeping Track Of Chits And Bits

I've been thinking about how many games we play that have little bits around the table, and how we keep them organized. In mulling it over (and considering if it might make good fodder for the Daily Illuminator), I realized we actually have two go-to solutions, which touch on two...

Eating A Tiny Peanut Pouch And Awaiting My Luggage In 1604

Over the holiday break, I found a headline on CNN that's pure RPG catnip for my brain: "Passengers hoped this 'time traveling' flight would give them two New Year's Eves – but they arrived in the wrong year." The link explains what happened (I'm sure you can guess), but the...

Did You Like The Microgames?

David Pulver, who many of you know as a prolific GURPS and TFT author, has turned his hand to boardgame design and created a new game in the style of the 1970s microgames. Operation Meteor is about humanity's last effort to stave off an AI apocalypse. It's crowdfunding now, and...

CEO Meredith Placko Descends Into The Abomination Vault

One of the joys of TTRPGs is that they're not scripted – even the most prepared GM can't anticipate what their players might choose to do. This unique element of improvisational chaos may be why TTRPG livestreams and actual plays have become appointment viewing (er, streaming?) for so many people,...

Munchkin Night At Mother's Basement Games

To start at the beginning: I was looking for a new place to have brunch a couple of years ago and I came across a small restaurant in Taylor, Texas. (Taylor is about 30-40 minutes northeast of Austin.) One of the neatest things about this restaurant (besides the food, which...

Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam

In memory of Jennell Jaquays, TTRPG creators are coming together to create Return to Perinthos, a crowdsourced megadungeon book inspired by Jennell's legendary Caverns of Thracia. The Jennell Jaquays Memorial Game Jam, hosted on by Violet Ballard, will accept submissions through the end of the month for inclusion in the book. After the...

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