A History Of Victories?

One of our favorite games when visiting out-of-town family is 7 Wonders, published by Repos Production. I could extoll its virtues from a number of angles, but suffice it to say it sees a lot of table time. One of the aspects that isn't quite as fun about the game...

The Works Of Travis Baldree

I admit it – I'm one of those people who gets way too involved in creating characters for TTRPGs. It's not enough for me to optimize their stats so it works well for their class. I have to know why they're so strong, charismatic, or intelligent. (I'd say wise, but...

The Curious Countdown: Number 1 – When In Doubt, Add Zombies

Here we are, at the end of the journey of our curious countdown, as we discuss the number 1. (If you're very late to this party, please see the first post in this series.) One of the hats I wear around here is "GURPS Project Manager," because I keep various...

I Imagine Little Bunnies In Police Outfits

I have a lot of ephemera rattling around my skull. As one trivial example: I realize that February 2025 will be the 10th anniversary of a post on the Steve Jackson Games forums that has made me smile whenever I recall it (which is pretty darn often). The scene: We...

Explosive Developments In Nuclear Fusion!

No, wait . . . that's bad. Let me try again. According to CNN.com, scientists at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California (LLNL) have successfully replicated their efforts at achieving nuclear fusion "at least" three times in the past year. I added the quotes around "at least," but that...

The Curious Countdown: Number 2 – Roll Dice; Gain Fun.

We are in the penultimate part of our curious countdown as we research the archives and Warehouse 23 for number 2. (If this isn't ringing a bell, please see the first installment of this experiment for the explanation.) Today I want to focus on Random Fun Generator 2. This is...

Take Me To Your Liter

What lives rent-free in my brain? Many, many things; my neurons do not enjoy letting go of things. Today I'm going to talk about a recipe that's probably one of my most-used, and is also one of my most annoying. It's a recipe for lemonade. What's most interesting about this...

Hello, 2024!

It's been . . .  A. Year. Hasn't it, SJG Community? First off, I want to thank the wonderful staff at Steve Jackson Games, and all of you who play our games, for welcoming me to the company. We, and I mean I, simply couldn't do this without the support...

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