The Curious Countdown: Number 3 – A-Sworded Accoutrements

Hello, friends! We're deep in our curious countdown, as we begin the "final three" – this time looking at number 3 itself. (And if you missed the previous seven installments, the first post can fill you in on what we're doing here.) There are certain items we sell for which...

The Weather Outside Is Frightful? That Sounds Like Extreme Conditions!

The real world is messy and complicated; that's one of the things that makes it so amazing. Case in point: tactical encounters. Sure, as an adventuring hero, it'd be a lot more convenient if the weather stayed nice, every location had adequate lighting, and "sand" was nonexistent except for bad...

The Curious Countdown: Number 4 – Shop 'Til You Drop . . . Dead?

Eeeek! It's time for another installment of the curious countdown! This time we're turning our all-seeing eye to number 4. (And if this is all new to you, check out the first post where we explain the premise.) I love Floor Plan 4 – Mall of the Dead. I mean,...

Massive Dungeon Fantasy RPG Sale, From Gaming Ballistic

Several days ago, we mentioned that there's a limited-time Bundle of Holding for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, the GURPS-powered stand-alone RPG of crypt-crawling camaraderie. It's an amazing deal, and it's resulted in a big influx of new fans . . . many of whom might be asking, "What else...

The Locked Tomb

A friend talked me into trying the "Locked Tomb" series by Tamsyn Muir. I was a bit reluctant . . . "Lesbian Necromancers in Spaaaaace!" sounded more like sensationalism than literature. But the second book in the series did win the Hugo . . . So I started reading.  ...

The Curious Countdown: Number 5 – The Future, In More Ways Than One!

We're here, once again, with the curious countdown; we're in installment #6, which means that we're looking at number 5, and it's at this point that I'm realizing that having two number streams counting in opposite directions might have been a mistake. Oh, well! Fortune favors the foolhardy or whatever....

Time And Time Again

Back in my college days, I ran a lengthy GURPS Supers campaign for many years. The joys of the GURPS library – even then – was having a plethora of sourcebooks on hand. So every session, I kept handy the usual supplements needed for the game (Supers, GURPS Psionics, GURPS...

What Do You Do With A Printed Gift Card?

I'm pretty sure I've never gotten to do a riff on "What Do You Do With a Drunken Sailor?" in a Daily Illuminator . . . Anyway, the day is late, the hour is nigh, the stores are closed, shipping is impossible, and you need a gift – now. There's...

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