The Isle Of Sedra: Funded And Ends Today!

Gaming Ballistic is in the last day for the Infinite Archipelago: The Isle of Sedra. The campaign funded (yay!) and we're in the home stretch. The campaign could use more support to help drive additional development for future products . . . like the neighboring Isle of Elazar (home to...

Wiz-War 3D Printable Figures

Unless you've been squashed under a Granite Cube since January, you probably saw we're bringing back Wiz-War – our 9th Edition funded on Kickstarter earlier this year and shipped to backers in June. If you're like me, you've admired the cool Phil Foglio art in the game, from the box cover to...

The Latest In (Old) Gaming-Table Tech

I'm always looking for interesting innovations to enhance my gaming experience. One such nut that I've often tried to crack is easily getting music to the table. I recently stumbled onto a possible solution in a very unlikely source: the Nintendo 3DS. This venerable device from last decade has a...

Avast! Evil Stevie Sails Again!

Evil Stevie's Pirate Game, a hybrid roleplaying/skirmish game designed to be played with (many) LEGO® or similar toy pirate ships, has charmed convention-goers for a quarter of a century, but it had been some ten years since Steve had run the game . . . Until Brick Rodeo 2023. Last...

Visit GURPS Hot Spots

I've been a GURPS fan for a looooong time. Not quite the beginning, but certainly my entire adult life and then some. Many GURPS books have a reputation (deservedly earned, in my opinion) of being great resources even if you're not a GURPS player. But a funny thing happened on...

Now Available On Demand: GURPS Gun Fu

Sliding across a marble floor as shards of tile explode around you, finding your aim and taking two-handed shots. Welcome to the excitement of GURPS Gun Fu! This beloved sourcebook of high-octane high-tech heavy-hitting cinematic gunfighting joins your gaming bookshelf in print, for the first time, thanks to our popular...

Liberty Con Supplemental Report

Steve's report on Liberty Con 35 was packed with highlights and yet barely scratched the surface of my own first Liberty. So here's a supplemental report! With more photos, naturally. Steve and I tried something new for the What's New panel this time: we streamed the whole thing on TikTok! It went...

Illuminated D20

I need to brag about some very talented friends of mine . . . This year, for my birthday, I received hands-down the most beautiful die I've ever seen. It's bright and clear, with turquoise numbers and ethereally fine gold-flecked glitter, and a double-sided card in the middle. One side...

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