Too Many Tabs!

Does anyone else have too many tabs open at any one time in their browser(s)? I remember how excited I was when tabbed browsing finally became possible, all those years ago. Oh, how the monkey's paw curled on that wish. A lot of them are necessary; if I'm trying to...

The Future Gets Personal With Transhuman Space: The Pyramid Personnel

The future is back! Transhuman Space: The Pyramid Personnel presents to you a collection of NPCs, ready to use with your Transhuman Space campaigns. This assortment of NPCs – with GURPS stats, backgrounds, adventure ideas, and more – is teeming with transhuman potential. Last seen during the HTML era of...

Find Your Fortune With GURPS Renaissance Venice: Merchants Of Venice

Venice – the richest city in Europe! Well, once upon a time, at least. This age comes alive again, thanks to GURPS Renaissance Venice: Merchants of Venice and its inimitable scribe, Matt Riggsby. Learn the tools of the trade (literally!), with details on the mercantile life and history, info on...

Party Like A Roman With Caligula

Nunc est bibendum!* That may have originally come from a Roman ode, but we think it's fitting for our latest Kickstarter. Caligula is an adult party game inspired by Nomic and Quarters that involves making laws and tricking other players into breaking them. If a player violates a law, they...

. . . And Off To GameFest!

Because I am an idiot and like conventions – and like guesting at same – I accepted an invitation from the Dallas AnimeFest and GameFest to appear at their show. The only catch . . . it is now. The weekend after ConnectiCon. The weekend before Gen Con. Feh! That...

Back From ConnectiCon . . .

This was my first visit to this Hartford, Connecticut event. It was clear that a great time was being had by all. Me included. • Much, much gaming. I demonstrated Groo (a lot) and Tabloids and the upcoming new edition of Express. Jef Lord ran Car Wars. After a slow...

Gen Con Approaches

As July turns to August, you know that means Gen Con is right around the corner! From August 3-6, Steve Jackson Games will be at booth #1401 at Gen Con, as well as running events every day in our event section. Many ticketed events have filled up, but there are...


Dead Horse is a unfiltered dreamscape of dread, an unsettling melange of macabre, a unified pastiche of peril. Do I have your attention? Good. Listen up. Dead Horse is a horror anthology zine from Disaster Tourism featuring TTRPG content, fiction, art, and more. Inside Dead Horse #001, you'll find over thirty artists' contributions around...

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