Homebrewed Tabletop Interview With Will

Will Schoonover, game developer extraordinaire and Munchkin Line Editor, took an interview at our Gen Con booth for Homebrewed Tabletop on YouTube. They had a great conversation about getting into gaming geekdom, including how licensed tie-ins can make great gateway games. Watch below:  A big thank you to Nightharrow for taking the...

SJ Games To Sponsor Hoop And Stick Con 2024

About a month before I got hired at Steve Jackson Games, my husband and I took a vacation to Ravenwood Castle in New Plymouth, Ohio. We had seen ads for the inn on Facebook and were intrigued by its location and offerings – not only is Ravenwood located a short drive...

Burn In Hell Now Available Via DriveThruCards

If you've ever wanted to collect the souls of the damned but don't want to reward the crime of greed by paying usurious prices to online sellers, you're in luck! The early 2000s hit Burn in Hell is back again, thanks to the wizardry of DriveThruCards. Designed by Steve Jackson...

Uganda School Crowdfunding Boardgame Convention & Science Camp

While most of us here are gearing up for Gen Con, a group out of the UK is hoping to use games as a gateway to science education. Chrysalis Youth Empowerment Network is a Birmingham-based charity that aims to help children and young adults in Africa. The organization sponsors a...

Gen Con Battle Jacket Roundup

Battle jackets (or cutoffs, depending on your community and region) have long stood as a sartorial staple of a slew of subcultures. And as the TTRPG zine community has seen more aesthetic and community overlap with punk/metal/DIY music scenes (in large part thanks to the influence of Mörk Borg and...

Introducing Allison Page, Managing Editor

Hi! I'm Allison Page, the new Managing Editor at Steve Jackson Games. You might be thinking "Managing Editor at a tabletop RPG, board, and card game company? What does that even mean?" and I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.    When it comes to my...

Oops, All Books

Sometimes, on the GURPS side of the global empire, we devote our focus exclusively to one book. And sometimes we focus on doing lots of things all at once. Sometimes we end up ordering 30+ books in a batch . . . which ends up being two boxes that no...

Virtual Gen Con Sale Ends Today

Also, you have only a few hours to support the debauched intellectualism that is Caligula! Long live the Emperor! Drink! Gen Con ended on Sunday, but our extended Virtual Gen Con Sale is running through the end of the day today! If you missed out on our awesome deals and...

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