Saethor's Bane On Backerkit

Saethor's Bane is a conversion to the Dungeon Fantasy RPG of David Pulver's excellent Dark Lord's Doom, available for both TFT and OSE (with greyscale interior) by Gaming Ballistic. It is designed to showcase the capabilities and options of the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, taking four martial characters – the spellcasters...

Steve Jackson Games Is On Bluesky

Fans of the endless scrolling experience, rejoice! Steve Jackson Games is now actively posting on Bluesky, the latest social media platform to open to the public. You can find us at, where we'll be posting about games, interacting with fans, reblogging important gaming news, and hopefully providing a bit...

The Future's Pretty Awesome When It Comes To Learning Games

Just the other day I realized how downright amazing it is nowadays, as far as learning a new game goes. Like, take a random game such as . . . ohhh, how about Car Wars Sixth Edition. • Do you learn better by reading? Then the rulebook is available online,...

GAMA EXPO Starts Next Week!

The Game Manufacturers Association annual Expo will take place next week, March 3-7 in Louisville, Kentucky. The Kentucky International Convention Center and the Galt House will host this year's convention – and Steve Jackson Games will be there!   The GAMA Expo is a yearly B2B trade show and includes...

The One Where I Talk About A Stapler

I recently regaled you all with my recommendation of software to make booklets. Those of you who sprinted out to buy the app may have quickly realized that you've ended up with a pile of loose pages that – although folded into a correctly numbered booklet – do not actually...

Sculptors In The Mist

Conor Flynn, the artist who sculpted the spectacular dragon from Foes 2, has a really awesome project on Kickstarter: the Tabletop Fog Machine. The core is a tiny fog machine that generates a glycerine-based mist. This is thicker and more persistent than water fog, with no puddles or spray, but...

Looking For Our Stuff? Try Your FLGS

A new game store has opened up relatively nearby, and I'm excited to stop by, introduce myself, and see what their setup is like. Friendly Local Game Stores are always delightful, and it seems like more and more of them are becoming de facto gathering places. That's great! One of...

Mind If I Impose?

This may be the least surprising statement ever, but I do a lot of printing at home. I have three printers in my office, and a backup of one of those in the garage. One aspect of printing that's incredibly useful is making little booklets. As anyone who's tried to...

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