
I have been advised that the nearly-brand-new Groo: The Game needs to be reprinted. The last one I can recall that went back to press so quickly was an obscure little game . . . you probably haven't heard of it . . . called Munchkin. Happiness! -- Steve Jackson...

Time Is On My Side

Speaking of game elements that are ephemeral, have you ever noticed how weird "playing time" is with games? I've played 30-minute games where I've been like, "Gee, that felt a bit long," and I've been engrossed in games where 2 to 3 hours have simply and delightfully melted away. I...

Summiting Austin

Here we are, fresh off our Steve Jackson Games Summit, held right here in Austin, TX. It was the first one in my memory, and I've been here more than nine years! With most of us working at home (yay!), and with seven (!) staff people now working from out...

Game Design Is Just, Like, Vibes

I've worn a lot of hats in the gaming world, from avid player to playtester to writer to editor to retailer and a dozen other aspects I've forgotten. One thing I've come to appreciate is how much game design boils down to this vague, ephemeral sense of how a mechanic...

My Pet Monster

Fantasy Trip fans noticed a new monster in the Legacy Edition: the Scolopendra. It's a big centipede. I added it because centipedes are cool. And fate rewarded me in a funny way. You see, Scolopendra are real creatures. They don't (fortunately!) get as big as the biggest ones in TFT,...

Shuffling: The Next Generation

Apparently my recent batch of Daily Illuminator posts about shuffling generated some comments. Here are a few that piqued my interest. Over on the forums, long-time contributor Buzzardo noted that the "most-effective shuffle" is the "smoosh shuffle," where you spread all the cards out on a flat surface and kind...

A New Munchkin Expansion Is Crawling Your Way

Today we're sharing news about a creepy-crawly new Munchkin expansion scheduled to release in June! Developed by Munchkin Associate Developer Devin Lewis and illustrated by new-to-us artist Bas Goverde, we are proud to announce Munchkin: The Floor Is Larva. And by the way, let me just tell you that it's...

To Sleeve Or Not To Sleeve?

I'm curious: What're folks' thoughts on sleeving their card games? To be clear, that question is entirely to sate my personal curiosity. As far as I know, the Hidden Masters have no particular plans or use for this information . . . although I suppose if enough mysterious billionaires answered...

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