GAMA Trade Show And Nerdi Gras

Last weekend: the GAMA Trade Show, this year in Louisville, which was a MUCH better venue than smoky, remote-from-East-Coast Reno. It looked very good. I enjoyed myself, caught up with a lot of old friends, and learned a lot. A tip of the hat to everyone involved in making that...

Finished! – My Most-Played iOS Game

There's one game I play on my iPhone and iPad more than any other: Finished! – Puzzly Solitaire. This is a clever solitaire-type card game where the object is to get all the cards into the played pile. You draw three cards at a time and can rearrange them before...

Name Your Images

Here's a quick tip: If you're a digital packrat who likes to download memes, comics, etc., chances are whatever you download has a nonsensical file name generated by some humorless computer sitting atop a throne of . . . I don't know, other computers. The metaphor got away from me....

Crypto Cannibal Infects Giant Ape?

Our big February release this year was Tabloids! In case you missed it, Tabloids, designed by Steve Jackson, is a fun, silly party game for three (or more!) people. The game includes "Shocker" cards and "Filler" cards, and you can put them together any way you choose! To play, everyone creates a...

A Time Warp Awaits At Retro Attic Akron

Visiting used record stores is a favorite pastime for my dad, my husband, and me. There are plenty of excellent stores near us, but I don't think any of us were ready for what awaited us at Retro Attic Akron. Housed in an unassuming corner of Akron, Ohio, this store...

Hoping To Win A Telegrammy Award For This Post

I hope this Daily Illuminator finds you well. Stop. Today I ponder another idea that I don't have any immediate use for but is cool enough to share. Stop. The United States still has a working telegram system, as do 24 other countries. Stop. I really want to include a telegram...

The Munchkin Mask

Love Munchkin? Love accessorizing? Love in-game bonuses? How about being a little silly? Then the Munchkin Mask is for you! And the best part is that it can be yours for the low, low price of FREE!   Here's what to do in just 4 easy steps:   1. Visit...

Put On The Wax Cylinder, Jeeves!

At the risk of dating myself like the inner ring of a mighty oak . . . do folks make "mix tapes" for their games? Or playlists, or whatever we call 'em nowadays? If there's a certain vibe or atmosphere I'm trying to create, I'll toss on an album to...

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