Naming Your Sessions?

Here's a weird question for the tabletop RPG folks: Does anyone else struggle with naming their sessions? If so, what do you do with them? For some campaigns – say, episodic space opera or super-hero fare – it feels thematic to introduce an adventure with a catchy title: "Tonight's adventure:...

New Hotness And Classic Choices: Gen Con Booth Sales Saw Both

What do you bring to a convention? Logistics can be tricky even for attendees, but I had no idea how complicated they could be for exhibitors until I started working at Steve Jackson Games. There are the practical concerns, of course – the booth structure itself, shelving, the POS system...

Part 4: Everyone Deserves A Seat At The Table

One of my core beliefs as CEO of Steve Jackson Games is that everyone deserves a seat at the gaming table. The world of tabletop games is a place where people from all walks of life can come together, share experiences, and create memories. It is imperative that our games...

Trivia Answer: Four For Four!

Those who saw our previous trivia question were asked: Which four releases from Steve Jackson Games have exactly four characters in their titles? Drum roll, please . . . • Ogre – the award-winning asymmetrical tactical game of futuristic cyber-warfare! • Toon – the classic RPG of animated mayhem! • Frag...

Saving Soles

I've talked in the past about the joys of walking. We're in convention season, and that quite possibly means a bunch of "left foot, right foot, repeat as necessary" for a bunch of you. Do you have a show – or other summertime feats of feets coming up – coming...

A Dream Of Silence

I'm admittedly late to the party when it comes to Baldur's Gate 3, but better late than never, as they say. I've quickly fallen in love with the game's engaging plot, its incredible design, its truly open-ended mechanics, and its iconic characters. Especially its characters. Especially one character.   Yes,...

Tech It To The Limit, With GURPS Meta-Tech Examples!

GURPS Meta-Tech has been out for a bit, and folks really seem to like it. Yay! It's neat that there's a meaty-but-easy system to turn GURPS abilities into stuff you can build with cash. And a lot of fans are doing exactly that! May I humbly point you to The...

Trivia Question: Four For Four?

Hey, let's try some Steve Jackson Games trivia! This might not become a regular feature, but at the very least, I stumbled across this one, and I thought it was cute enough to share. Unless I've fumbled my Research roll horribly, Steve Jackson Games has never had a release with...

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