New Year Games?
It's time to start thinking about New Year's celebrations! Our household has found that New Year's Eve and New Year's Day are perfect times to play games. For New Year's Eve, we tend to commence the fun in the evening. Our final game for the night is an at-home escape room or other timed co-op game that's set to "end" at midnight. If we "escape" the year in time, we win! If not . . . there's always next December.
New Year's Day is more relaxed, depending on what hour our household wakes up. We usually start the year off right with a campaign-style offering or other game that we can play for most of the day, with breaks for snacks or meals. In recent years, we've done linked scenarios for Marvel Champions, since heroically saving the world feels productively fun. I'm not sure what our plans are yet for this year-digit increment, but I suspect it'll involve Chex Mix.
If you have a traditional New Year's routine, I'd love to hear about it on the forums!
-- Steven Marsh