Triplanetary Back In Print

First published almost 50 years ago, Triplanetary is one of those boardgame classics that was out-of-print for many, many years. A few years ago, we ran a Kickstarter campaign to bring the game back. But shortly after the new printing shipped to stores, we exhausted our supply . . ....

Experimenting With International Crowdfunding Fulfillment

We've struggled repeatedly with the international shipping of crowdfunding rewards. Shipping from the United States to other nations, even Canada, is expensive and frustrating these days, with costs and complexities rising every year. Combine those costs with the delays, and the various fees different nations charge on shipments from the...

My New Dice Game

is called Eat Thy Neighbor. It's a little bitty game – a Nanogame – and we are running an Indiegogo for it right now. You also get Jean McGuire's Aquarium, which is cooperative. In that one, you and your friends are stocking aquariums and collecting species. Eat Thy Neighbor is...

Help Us Test Our New Shopify Store

Warehouse 23 is undergoing a change, and we're in the final stages of testing. If you visit, then you can get a look at the new site . . . and it works! We've already imported existing Warehouse 23 accounts into the new store, and we would greatly appreciate it...

Two New Dice Games On Indiegogo!

It's a shark-eat-shark world out there, so why not take a break with a couple of dice games using our Ocean Dice on Indiegogo! Aquarium and Eat Thy Neighbor join our Nanogames series of mini-posters featuring fast, fun games for use with a variety of the dice we've designed (or...

Join Me Tonight At Dragon's Lair For New Turbo Dork Colors

(What a long title! But that's what it took to get everything in it. No clickbait here. If you didn't want to read the story you wouldn't have gotten this far.) At any rate . . . I will be joining Turbo Dork for their weekly painting night at Austin's...

Looking For Hex Crawl Tools?

Lo and behold, here are some hex crawl tools. Nothing complex, just an instant map with some cool features. It's on Kickstarter. -- Steve Jackson

Munchkin Cosplay Contest

Munchkin fans, suit up! If you missed our recent Munchkin Monthly newsletter (you should sign up for that), here's the information on our cosplay contest! Running now until Halloween, the rules are simple: dress up as your favorite Munchkin character, take a picture, and send it via our entry form....

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