Now Available, The Elder Futhark Die

After the success of The Zodiac Die, we decided to expand our library of dice + books with The Elder Futhark Die, a massive 24-sided die you can use with almost any roleplaying game . . . so long as you're imaginative and not afraid to roll the die and...

A Tabletop RPG Art Asset Jam

Are you an aspiring game creator and publisher? Then you will want to take a look at this art jam at where several artists are sharing stock art – single images and packs of images – many of which may be perfect for your next roleplaying game or zine....

Munchkin South Park Available Now

Oh my god, they killed . . . a monster! Go on down to Munchkin South Park, the newest collaboration from The Op and Steve Jackson Games, hitting game game stores and Warehouse 23 now. Join the students of South Park Elementary as a New Kid and Kick Down some...

Pocket Box Reprints: Car Wars And Ogre

In addition to the three new Pocket Box games (mentioned here), we're also working on reprints of two classic Pocket Box titles. Both Car Wars and Ogre, reprinted in 2020 thanks to a successful Kickstarter campaign, have been important titles to our catalog for over four decades and we're happy...

Grind Some Gears With Munchkin Steampunk

Can you believe it's been seven years since Munchkin Steampunk launched onto the scene? Think of how many sprockets have been ratcheted and springs that've sprung over that time! I got a bit nostalgic and looked back at one of our earlier #SJGamesLive streams with Rhea at the local Dragon's...

Choose Cthulhu Gamebooks Coming To Kickstarter

It has been a few months since we last mentioned the Choose Cthulhu series (see this Daily Illuminator post), but we can now report that the first six books in the series are almost ready for Kickstarter. We've run print tests, constructed the campaign page, and we think we have...

Munchkin Kittens Now Shipping!

The fifth printing of Munchkin Kittens has landed and is now officially shipping to distributors. One of the more popular of our many Munchkin mini-expansions, Munchkin Kittens was first published in November of 2015 and continues to be one of our evergreen Munchkin supplements.  What's an "evergreen" title? These are...

Monster Seeds For Use With The Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game

When we were working on the Monsters 2 book (available in print and PDF, and also as a print-on-demand book), our team crafted a number of adventure seeds for use with monsters found in the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game. We used those adventure seeds on Facebook, in Kickstarter updates, forum...

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