SJ Games To Sponsor Hoop And Stick Con 2024

Ravenwood Castle hosts a wide range of events throughout the year, but the one that they're most proud of is Hoop and Stick Con. Since 2016, Hoop and Stick Con has raised money for Extra Life, a fundraiser that supports Children's Miracle Network Hospitals. Every employee I spoke with at Ravenwood talked about their love of the event and how proud they were to raise money for such an important cause. I wanted to be involved in the convention, but I had no idea that I'd end up doing so with Steve Jackson Games!
That's right – in 2024, Steve Jackson Games is helping to sponsor Hoop and Stick Con. Our sponsorship money will go directly to Extra Life to help kids access life-saving treatments and procedures. In addition to sponsoring the event, we'll also be contributing a collection of signed games for the event's online auction. The auction is a great way to get involved if you can't make it to Hoop and Stick Con in person; we'll be sure to post more information when the time comes.
One of the best things about the tabletop gaming community is how it enthusiastically supports good causes. Everyone here at Steve Jackson Games is excited to support Hoop and Stick Con, and we hope you will be too!
-- Katie Duffy