Sneak And Stab For Fun And Profit!

When it comes to fighting the forces of darkness, sometimes you need friends who are pretty shady themselves. GURPS Dungeon Fantasy Denizens: Thieves – by longtime GURPS avant-gardist Christopher R. Rice – greatly expands the options for thieves in GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. It includes variant professions, new lenses, powerful upgrades,...

Munchkin Zombies Deluxe Returns In August!

Don't pay those high after-market prices for Munchkin Zombies Deluxe, gang! After being out-of-print for some time, we're happy to report that we're bringing Munchkin Zombies Deluxe back to the land of available games. This fourth printing has everything that you and your friends need to eat brains, gain levels,...

Dungeon Fantasy Artifacts Now On Kickstarter

Artifacts of Legend, a two-book supplement for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG, is live now on Kickstarter and runs through June 10. These books bring Gaming Ballistic's third-party support for the Dungeon Fantasy RPG to a total of 19 titles. You may have seen or supported previous projects, like the Nordlond setting and much...

Melee/Wizard Pocket Box Restock At Warehouse 23

We've listed copies of the Melee/Wizard Pocket Box on the Steve Jackson Games online store, Warehouse 23, and have stock for . . . well, for the moment. We don't know how long these will last, so please take advantage of this opportunity today if you want to get your...

Now Available On Demand: GURPS Powers . . . In Color!

They said it couldn't be done, but . . . no, wait. Hold on. We said it could be done, but there was a problem that kept it from being done at the time we wanted to do it in the first place. Hmm. That doesn't seem as pithy. The...

Top Sellers At DriveThruRPG

In addition to selling our many PDFs at our own online store, Warehouse 23, we also offer our PDFs at DriveThruRPG. With over 700 titles listed at the site, it's sometimes fun to dig into the numbers and identify the current top sellers. Not surprisingly, the two GURPS Basic Set...

In Praise Of Dice

This may be the least controversial post I've ever written, but I – a gamer – like dice. A lot. And beyond the dragon-horde delights that come from sifting my fingers through a brimming bag of dice, they're useful. Here are some unusual uses for dice to spark your imagination:...

Munchkin Tails Of The Season Now Shipping!

The Tails of the Season expansion for Munchkin Tails has been out-of-print for a little while now (we ran out last Christmas), but we have great news: the reprint is now shipping to distributors and game stores! The 15 game cards in this mini-expansion bring festive fun to your Munchkin...

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