Gamehole Con Report

Only one day in and we're already having a great time!

I'm at Gamehole Con in Madison, along with Amy and Irene. We are running demos and having a fantastic time. If you ever imagine that working for a game publisher is the same as getting paid to play all the time, you're so wrong. Except when you are doing demos at game cons. Then that's exactly what it is.

This afternoon I demoed Darwin Bromley's Express. The players went into the session thinking it was going to be a nice friendly little color-matching train game. They learned differently, as the train wrecks and backstabbing piled up! After it was done, I got my very favorite post-demo question: "When will this be out?" And this evening I ran a new TFT scenario for a great group of players. Four out of the five even survived!

The con runs through Sunday and I'm looking forward to every minute of it.

-- Steve Jackson