In Praise Of The Nonsensical

A few years ago, our family delved into the Skull & Shackles campaign of the Pathfinder Adventure Card Game. In it, the heroes play would-be pirates who go out on seafaring adventures. Because it's a card game, certain randomness is . . . err . . . in the cards....

Quick Quest 9: Grand Opening Now Available On Warehouse 23

Your band of heroes has been picked to be part of a dedication ceremony at a new temple! It's an easy job . . . what's the worst that can happen? [squints, checks notes] Oh. Oh my. You'll need to read Quick Quest 9: Grand Opening to see how it...

Dragon Con Report From Jean

Dragon Con was as Dragon Con always is: loud and chaotic and exhausting and mad fun. At one point, the line for the vendors' hall was about 15 city blocks long (they wrapped it around a lot!) –​ I know because I stood in it. And even though I was working a...

We're Hiring For An Art Director

Are you organized, artistic, and passionate about games? Then you may be the right person for our team, because SJ Games is hiring for an Art Director! This position can be remote, and is a full-time position. We're looking for someone who can: Administer the art process for all products....

Popeye Plays GURPS . . . Kind Of

Popeye is known for many things: being a sailor, being tough, saving Olive Oyl, and now . . . playing tabletop roleplaying games? Yes, indeed! In Popeye's recent Sunday adventure, he and the gang take on a dragon in SURPS (Steve's Universal RolePlaying System). If that sounds suspiciously like GURPS, it...

What Defines "Old-School"?

I'm a fan of retro computers. There's a certain thrill of getting a copy of Ultima IV working on a Commodore 128 hooked up to a humming CRT monitor. Perhaps, if I'm lucky someday and figure out where I can put it, I'll re-acquire an Apple IIgs and relive my...

Squishy Clay RPG Minis?

Mini Molds, on Kickstarter now, are hinged molds that turn any sort of soft clay (like Play-Doh) into table-ready roleplaying miniatures! The set includes four sculpts: a skeleton, a wolf, a goblin, and a bugbear. There are reward tiers for both the manufactured molds and STL files to print your own molds! ...

How Many Monitors?

A question for our fans: For those of you in the computer-desktop realm, how many monitors do you use? For years I've been a two-monitor guy. One serves as my primary display, and the second one is my "TV or radio I've got on in the background" media-type monitor that...

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