Fond Memories Of Weekly World News

Supermarket tabloids have a dubious reputation for a reason. Most of them are full of lurid celebrity gossip or exaggerated tales of political intrigue. But there is one tabloid that I will always love for its amazing ability to satirize American society and poke gentle fun at Fortean reporting. I...

Emergency Game Kit

We have an emergency game kit in the trunk of our car. Basically, it's for those situations where we find ourselves in a place without anything much to do, and we don't want to mess around on our various electronic devices. Its contents vary depending on our whims, but we've...

Photograph Your Collection!

I suspect many folks reading this have sizable gaming collections. (At the very least, I like to imagine we're not alone in having a home full of game-laden bookshelves.) If this describes you, then, here's a tip: Every year or so, photograph your collection. This doesn't need to be extensive;...

Tabloids Launches On Kickstarter

Breaking news: Bigfoot Kidnaps President! No wait, we're getting an update. Martians Attack Fort Knox! Wait a minute . . . is this true? It must be; I read it in the Tabloids! Tabloids is the new headline-making party game designed by Steve Jackson. It launched on Kickstarter yesterday and...

San Japan Report

While Jean, Steve, and Irene were at Dragon Con Labor Day weekend, Jimmie and I took a short drive down to San Antonio to demo some games at San Japan.   San Japan is one of the biggest anime conventions in the central Texas area, with over 25,000 fans partaking...

Dungeon Fantasy Monster Seeds Now Available On Warehouse 23

Monsters appear. Monsters attack. Is there more to life? Yes, actually! There are all kinds of interesting ways that cunning critters can confound crypt-crawling heroes. Dungeon Fantasy Monster Seeds presents to you a collection of ideas to bring new life to some of the most memorable menaces of the original...

Take A Sonic Journey With Radio Is A Foreign Country

My first encounter with shortwave radio came many years ago. My parents inherited one from a relative and explained to me that this seemingly normal device would allow me to listen to broadcasts from all over the world. I was ecstatic – I imagined myself telling friends about hearing music...

Hexagram #11 Now Available On Warehouse 23

Lightning flashes in a darkened room. The shadow of your brooding silhouette briefly illuminates the inky floor. "Why?" you ask yourself again, for the thousandth time. "Why did I miss the Kickstarter for Hexagram #11?" There's no need to brood; just lighten your mood with the news that Hexagram #11...

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