He Didn’t See His Shadow!

Once a year comes a special day. A day of anticipation. A day of excitement. A day of hope. And that day is Groundhog Day.
On February 2nd, thousands and thousands of zealous fans flock to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, in hopes of catching a glimpse of the famous Punxsutawney Phil. Legend says that, should Phil see his shadow upon emerging from his hideout at Gobbler's Knob, there will be an additional six weeks of chilly winter weather. This fluffy and lovable groundhog can also predict an early spring – but only if he doesn't see his shadow.
Rejoice, dear readers, for Phil did NOT see his shadow this year! It's time to get ready for spring!
For more on this fun and silly tradition, check out the hysterical and totally believable movie Groundhog Day featuring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. Then watch it again. 

-- Michelle Richardson