May Announcements: Express And Pony Excess

Express Cover

It's cold, snowy, and gray right now, but the delights of spring will be upon us soon enough. At Steve Jackson Games, we're already excited for the month of May – and not just because it'll bring us out of the deep freeze. We have two fantastic new releases that we're excited to tell you about right now!
The first is Express, a classic from Mayfair Games that we are proud to bring back into print. In this delightful card game, you'll build your own trains, disrupt your rivals' trains, and watch out for wrecks! Designed by Darwin Bromley, this new edition has been updated by Steve Jackson and the Train Gamers Association. Steve himself is especially pleased to be able to bring Express to veterans and new fans alike. 

Munchkin Pony Excess


Our second new release is Munchkin: Pony Excess, a punny, 56-card expansion that will bring a herd of hilarious new cards to your Munchkin experience. (It's a veritable stampede of jokes, if you will.) This new collection includes a range of new equine monsters, curses, and Items, not to mention new Steeds. Will you end up with a Lucky Horseshoe, become the Centaur of Attention, or face off against the Rocking Horse? You'll just have to play to find out.

-- Katie Duffy