Treasures, Revisited!

The Pyramid Dungeon Collection brings back a trove of material from the first two volumes of Pyramid, updated and perfect for GURPS Dungeon Fantasy. From settings to encounters to monsters and more, it's classic material galore – and it's available to download from Warehouse 23!

Magic And Technology In The Modern Era

In 1945, the first atomic bomb test opened a hole in reality, and drew magic into the world. Over 50 years later, the world is still dealing with the fallout from the Trinity Event. GURPS Classic: Technomancer presents a timeline of key events, a new magic system, and residents in...

Gallantry, Grace, And High Adventure

An era of romantic high adventure awaits! Become a pirate, musketeer, highwayman, or one of over a dozen other character types with the help of GURPS Classic: Swashbucklers. Learn new martial arts maneuvers and styles, enjoy details on the everyday life in the era and key points in history, and...

Delve Deep, Young Adventurer

Searching for fortune and excitement? Then look for the Lost Land in GURPS Classic: Atlantis. Discover the Sunken City, including an overview of the history and myths, rules for underwater operations, stats for submarines, and three campaign backgrounds. Dive into the deep today with a classic download from Warehouse 23....

The Dawn Of American History – Or The Dusk?

Behold: a timeline where the birth of the United States was sidetracked by the death of sunlight. GURPS Infinite Worlds: Nightreign is an alternate-historical campaign setting, with survival as its own reward. Keep your sanity for another day by taking everything with a grain of salt . . . literally....


A giant (3 feet square!) full-color tactical hex map, with notes and instructions. Use it to set up any combat, or to generate a brand-new encounter. Designed for The Fantasy Trip, but can be used for any hex game. Order The Fantasy Trip: Ultrahex Playmat now on Warehouse 23! 

Hacking And Slashing!

In this quick game, your guild of adventurers is ready for anything: battles, rescues, and the "liberation" of whatever pays the most. Choose a quest and roll the dice! You may win fame, and even recruit a new comrade for your party. Or you may fail, and slink back to...

Find Your Own Path, The Munchkin Way

The award-winning game of killing monsters and taking their stuff meets the award-winning universe of the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game in Munchkin Pathfinder! Try out new classes like Alchemist and Witch. Join a faction to become an Eagle Knight or a Red Mantis Assassin. Arm yourself with the T-Bone Stake and the Armor of Insults. Try this spin on Munchkin now on Warehouse...

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