Meeple Mountain's Deadly Doodles Review & How-To-Play Video

Deadly Doodles is one of our lighter game offerings, a fabulous addition to any family game library if you want a fast-playing dungeoncrawl game for kids ages 8 and up. The game is one we should invest more energy in promoting to the world -- especially to families! -- but there's only so many moments in the day and we're often overwhelmed with more urgent tasks. This means that Deadly Doodles is sometimes relegated to the back burner.

Earlier today, while thinking about Deadly Doodles, I ran a quick search and came across this Meeple Mountain review and how-to-play video that does an excellent job of showing off Deadly Doodles' gameplay and strengths. Fortunately, videos like this one are out there and make our job of promoting the game just a little bit easier. Thank you, Brody, for taking time to create and post this helpful video!

-- Phil Reed