A Free Game? Absolutely! Download The Fantasy Trip: Melee Today!

"As a flexible system for the recreation of a variety of man-to-man combat situations, MELEE is just about in a class by itself."

- David James Ritchie, The Space Gamer #16 (1978)

Melee, the core combat system for The Fantasy Trip roleplaying game, was Steve's second published game design . . . and you can download the PDF at no charge at Warehouse 23 and DrivethruRPG. The basic game brings enough to the table to give you years of enjoyment, which we know because the game has been out there for over four decades and many game groups have played it since it was first released.

The free download is only the tip of the iceberg, though, and you can rapidly expand your game with the Wizard boxed set, the In the Labyrinth rules, and any number of expansions, accessories, and adventures we've produced for the game over the last few years. 

Download the free Melee rules today . . . and if you want some support material at NO charge, we recommend the free postcard contest PDF that brings several micro-dungeons to your table.

-- Phil Reed