Getting There Is Fantastic!

GURPS Vehicles: Transports of Fantasy includes a plethora of possibilities for pre-modern expeditions, from realistic vessels of the land and sea to impossible airships and cogwork contraptions. Your boarding pass is just a download away, from Warehouse 23!


In Gelatinous, players start out as a wandering slime, using sparkling green dice to grow into a cube. But watch out, the other slimes are growing too! The first to grow into a cube wins – and the rest are lunch. Order now on Warehouse 23!

Good Gaming Relies On Laws!

Discover the secrets to an awesome campaign with Robin's Laws of Good Game Mastering. This fun supplement gives practical and specific advice for new and experienced gamers, regardless of your game system of choice. Good gaming awaits a download from Warehouse 23!

Terror Meets Ten-Gallon Hats

Yesteryear? More like yesterfear! The Old West meets Things Man Was Not Meant to Know in GURPS Classic: Deadlands – Weird West. This meaty supplement of madness includes information on the history, heroes, and critters of the Weird West. You'll scream 'til you're hoarse . . . and your horse?...

Test Your Stomach!

You're at the carnival. Eat lots of sugary, salty, greasy goodies. Then ride the rides and try to keep everything down.That's the goal in Scarf-N-Barf! Play Food cards and Ride cards, then roll the dice to find out which player can keep the most carnival food down. Order now on Warehouse 23! 

Our Most Shocking GURPS Supplement

Expand the options of GURPS High-Tech with GURPS High-Tech: Electricity and Electronics. This supplement includes insight on modern-day electronics and innovations since the most-recent High-Tech edition came out, plus scads of new gear and devices for your own recent-era campaign. Make these electrons yours with a download from Warehouse 23!...

Ogre Miniatures RULES!

Is "rules" a verb or a noun? Yes! With Ogre Miniatures, Second Edition, you can rule the battlefield with your cybernetic war machine of choice . . . or the plucky ("doomed?") infantry and fast-moving tanks that try to take them down. All the rules you need are at your...

Get Organized

It's never been easier to conceive, devise, and stat organizations in GURPS, thanks to GURPS Boardroom and Curia. This supplements offers a complete system for how to envision any group you can imagine, from small super-heroic teams to multinational corporations . . . and beyond! Getting your groups together begins...

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