Whose Woods These Are?

That enchanting forest glen may well be the domain of the elves! At the very least, they'll know all about it. And you'll know all about these long-lived legends with GURPS Fantasy Folk: Elves. It includes GURPS templates, outlooks, alternates, and more. Get back to nature by downloading this supplement...

Randomly Populate Your Next Dungeon With These Dungeon Encounter Dice!

When you stock the dungeon during your next adventure, reach for these custom six-sided dice and let the fates decide! Roll one or both of these oversized acrylic dice – both of which also work as standard six-siders – to reveal orcs, goblins, elves, fairies, and other fantastic creatures that...

Summon Your Own Subterranean Settings

You love the finished floors and walls of Cardboard Heroes Dungeon Floors. But you long for something more . . . rustic? No problem! Cavern Floors expands your Cardboard Heroes collection with caves, twisty passages, rockslides, and more. It also includes "transition" pieces that let you combine cavern pieces easily...

Roll Your Sign!

This big 12-sided die has all the signs of the zodiac. But it's not just attractive – it's useful! It comes with a 16-page booklet by Steve Jackson, showing how to use the Zodiac Die to create personalities for your roleplaying characters.

Welcome Meeples To Your Table!

With a BIG meeple replacing the one pip, and cute little debossed meeples on all the other sides, the Meeple d6 Dice Set blurs the lines between meeples and dice. For use with any game that requires standard six-sided dice, each set includes eight 16mm dice of the same color....

Pre-Order Car Wars Today!

Did you miss the Kickstarter campaign for the Car Wars Sixth Edition game? Now's your chance to guarantee that the game will hit your tabletop – by placing a pre-order for the Car Wars Sixth Edition core set! Everything you need for up to four players in a single box . ....

Send Your Dice To War!

The ubiquitous green army men of your childhood have made the jump from toys to games! This set of twelve 16 mm six-siders is perfect for any battle. Emerge victorious as your opponents cower in fear of your overwhelmingly superior dice. 

Let's Test That Whole "Power Corrupts" Thing

GURPS Magical Styles: Horror Magic includes three schools of magic that build off the foundation of GURPS Thaumatology: Magical Styles . . . and all of them explore lore that perhaps should have remained unexplored. Long-lost traditions, forbidden knowledge, and sinister secrets all whisper their promises of power. Add fear...

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