Steve Jackson Games
SKU: SJG31-0106
Softcover (Pre-Order)
It's All Here!
From the Industrial Revolution to the Digital Age, GURPS High-Tech lets you outfit adventurers of all stripes, be they a pioneer party just trying to survive or a SWAT team taking down bad guys. Its meticulously researched TL5–8 hardware includes:
Weapons. Descriptions and stats for hundreds of historical weapons – small arms (from muskets to assault rifles, plus oddities and prototypes), light artillery, explosives, and more – with new rules for guns, gunmen, and "Gun Fu."
Armor. Head-to-toe protection for every budget.
Vehicles. An essential selection of rides. Cover ground by stagecoach, jeep, or tank . . . cruise the coasts by kayak, surfboard, or patrol boat . . . cross the skies by glider, plane, or helicopter . . . and more.
Tools. Complete tools of the trade for such specialists as detectives, divers, firemen, medics, spies, and thieves.
Electronics. From early telegraphs to modern computers, medical scanners, and surveillance devices . . . if it beeps or blinks, it's covered.
Survival Gear. Camping equipment, first-aid kits, rations, and everything else explorers need.
GURPS High-Tech requires the GURPS Basic Set, Fourth Edition. The notes on real-world equipment will enhance any game set after 1730.
Bonus! Includes a free copy of GURPS High-Tech: Weapon Tables! No need to go through 256 pages of troublesome words when all you need is a Colt Python's Bulk and Rate of Fire rating.
Written by Hans-Christian Vortisch / Michael Hurst / S.A. Fisher