Steve Jackson Games
SKU: SJG30-3452
Boxed Set

"Clean, fast, and deadly." – David Ritchie, Ares Magazine #1, March 1980
A classic game of fantasy combat. Create characters in just a few minutes – then send them into the arena. Winners become stronger and faster for the next battle. Losers die.
Each counter in this fast-moving game is a single warrior. Players choose weapons and tactics for their fighters and send them into combat against men, beasts, or monsters – to victory, or death.
This is the basic combat system for The Fantasy Trip. For the basic magic system, pick up Wizard. For ready-to-use adventures perfect for solo or group play, check out Death Test. And for 40 – yes, forty! – postcard adventures, download The Fantasy Trip 2019 Postcard Contest collection absolutely FREE!
The PDF set is contained in the digital set for The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition. If you own the Legacy Edition, you don't need this one!
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