Steve Jackson Games
SKU: SJG3485
Ardonirane, Jewel of the Red Plains
In Death Test, you met the Thorsz, the ruthless warlord of a busy merchant city. This book is a guide to that city: Ardonirane.
Learn its history. How did the Thorsz reach power? What are his goals, and why does he rule with an iron hand? Why has he not married? And what may happen next month and next year?
In this book, you'll find:
• Dozens of character and location descriptions
• Sorcerous intrigues against the Thorsz
• Desert nomads: friends, foes, and For Hire
• What can happen when wizards cooperate with mechanicians
• Adventure seeds inside and outside the city
Ardonirane is a rich and detailed supplement for The Fantasy Trip. The Fantasy Trip: In the Labyrinth is required to play.