Last Day For The Knightmare Chess Kickstarter Campaign

Our latest Kickstarter project, Knightmare Chess Variants and Optional Rules, has successfully funded and today is your last day to join in the project. This A6-sized collection of variants and optional rules for use with the newest edition of Knightmare Chess is being printed in the US – and we've already seen...

GURPS On Demand Expanded

We keep adding titles to our GURPS On Demand program, making it easier than ever to grab print copies of GURPS books you may have originally missed. This page on our site lists all of the available titles, which now include: GURPS Discworld GURPS Discworld Also GURPS Social Engineering GURPS...

NI3DP Part 11 – New Learnings

Part of the fun at FnordCon was playing with (and showing off) the minis and terrain that I had not just painted, but made, myself!   A few new lessons for the Tome of 3DP Knowledge . . .   The best way I have yet found to purify used...

Knock Is The Best Fantasy RPG Zine You're Not Reading

When the first Knock Kickstarter campaign closed in late 2020, I was one of the backers, though I really wasn't certain what to expect from the inaugural issue of this new fantasy RPG zine. I figured the Kickstarter page looked good enough that it was worth giving the project a...

Munchkin Worldbuilders Charity Auction

The Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Worldbuilders charity auction is happening now, and John Kovalic has donated a full run of custom Munchkin postcards along with a hand-drawn Munchkin SWFA card! If you're a collector of Munchkin rarities and swag, or just want to give to a good...

Last Week To Pre-Order The Dark Knight!

Pre-orders close on May 19, making this your last week to pre-order the Kickstarter edition of the game – at the Kickstarter price – right now at BackerKit. The game is on the water and expected in our primary warehouse in June, giving us plenty of time to meet – if not exceed! – the September 2022 estimated delivery...

Knightmare Chess Variants And Optional Rules Now On Kickstarter

The latest printing of Knightmare Chess is here, and in celebration we're compiling existing articles into an A6-sized booklet that will fit in the newest edition of the game. Knightmare Chess Variants and Optional Rules is a 32-page collection of articles you can turn to when you want to warp...

Munchkin Farkle!

Play the classic game of Farkle in a whole new way! Munchkin Farkle marries the classic dice game with the Munchkin sense of humor and stab-your-buddy mentality. Rather than the traditional race to win, Munchkin Farkle is a race to win . . . and make your companions lose! Order now on Warehouse 23!

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