Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game Books . . . On Demand!

Although the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game box set is loaded with what you need to play the game, we are often asked by gaming groups: "How can I get extra copies of the books my players need to join in my campaign?" We agree that every player at the table...

KItten Caster And Duck Of Doom Dice Bags In Stores Today!

Our two newest dice bags, the adorable Kitten Caster and always-deadly Duck of Doom, are reaching the shelves of your favorite local game store today! These satin-lined, double-stitched, drawstring dice bags expand our series of dice bags and give you new storage solutions for your always-growing collection of dice. We...

LibertyCon Interview With SJ

LibertyCon takes place this weekend, June 17-19. Every year there's a charity auction for a personalized promo card, which has traditionally been delivered at the convention the following year. If you're attending, make sure to check out the auction – you might find yourself on a Munchkin card! The folks at LC had...

BackerKit Dice Store Closes Tomorrow

Our latest dice pre-order store at BackerKit is scheduled to close tomorrow, making this your last chance at pre-ordering new dragon and skull dice, the upcoming Chibithulhu d6 Dice Set, and other dice that are scheduled for a wider release over the coming months. In addition to the pre-order opportunity, we've...

Steve Jackson's Dragons And Jack-O'-Lanterns Dice Games

For those of you who have the Illuminated Manuscript zine in your collection and have been hoping for a fancier edition of two of the dice games included in the zine, we've got a new Kickstarter campaign that will fit your interests. Nanogames: Dragons & Jack-o'-Lanterns is a double-sided poster...

Get In Character, With Character Sheets!

Back in my game-shop days, one thing that many folks did when considering a new RPG is to look at the character sheet in the core rulebook. It was a quick-and-easy way to get a feel for the game, see what information the designers felt was important, and get a...

Please Subscribe To The Steve Jackson Games Newsletter

Would you like to receive information on new games, special events, and important news? Subscribe to our newsletter and you will start receiving a few emails every month where we highlight the latest games and expansions, and (at times) direct you to our crowdfunding campaigns. The newsletter is just one way to...

Are You A Storyteller? Do You Want To Write An Ogre Game?

Are you familiar with The Wretched? Chris Bissette's solitaire roleplaying game is a great experience for those who enjoy journaling games. The core mechanics have been released as an SRD and rules system known as Wretched & Alone. There have been dozens of different games released under the SRD and...

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