Don't Go In The Water!

Unless you're ready for Boat Wars! We're taking the mayhem and carnage of Car Wars off the streets and into the water! Grab your life preservoe (or not) and get ready to race with boats and hovercraft, but that's not all. We've also got sharks, aquabikes, and more! Get your copy...

The Perfect Companion For The Fantasy Trip

The Fantasy Trip Companion collects various articles following the history of The Fantasy Trip, from Steve Jackson's original designers notes to features from the super-successful 2018 Kickstarter. This Companion can be yours with a download from Warehouse 23!

A Lite Take On Munchkin

Killing monsters, backstabbing your friends, looting treasure . . . admit it, you love it. But maybe you'd like a quick, "lite" version. Well, we have just the thing! With Munchkin Lite, you get the madness of the original Munchkin with a quicker play time. Order today at Warehouse 23!...

Singing The Praises Of More Magic

GURPS Sorcery: Sound Spells adds more options to GURPS Thaumatology: Sorcery, with 35 new spells based on noise, music, and even the power of silence. Sound advice awaits a download from Warehouse 23!

Track Your Kills In Style!

You don't have time to stop and count when you've got monsters to kill . . . With the Munchkin Kill-O-Meter Guest Artist Edition, when a card hits the table, you turn the dials to keep track of your total. Sporting fantastic art from Ian McGinty, you can track effective Munchkin levels in style!...

A Legacy Of Heroism

The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition is the complete collection of core material for The Fantasy Trip, including two mini-games (Melee and Wizard), two solo adventures, the roleplaying rulebook In the Labyrinth, a full-length adventure, and much more. Excitement awaits from Warehouse 23!

Legendary Munchkin!

Prepare to fight the creatures of legend . . . and take their stuff! In Munchkin Legends, you get to face off against mythical beasts such as the Kraken and the Boogie Man. Luckily, there are legendary items as well! So grab Paul Bunyan's Axe or take a Midas Potion and be the first...

Supercharge Your Contacts!

In GURPS, it's often not what you know, but who you know. GURPS Social Engineering: Keeping in Contact looks at all aspects of the Contacts advantage, including new options, expanded rules, and lots of ideas to make your friends and associates even more helpful to your heroic endeavors. Download it...

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