Have You Seen Senet?

Senet is an attractive and well-edited magazine about games and game design, in an era that is not friendly to physical magazines. Yet . . . here is Senet! It's worth a look. Subscribe, or buy single copies, at www.senetmagazine.com. An article in the Winter 2023 issue (#13) discusses the...

Stakeholders Report For 2023

The Stakeholder Report for 2023 is up! 

Join The Campaign For Saethor's Bane

Saethor's Bane, an introductory programmed adventure for the Dungeon Fantasy Roleplaying Game, funded on Backerkit on March 9 after reaching the goal to upgrade all the art to full color. The campaign is – for a few more days – accepting late pledges, which includes a limited number of Dungeon...

Share Your Munchkin Memories

We are excited to be so close to the BackerKit launch of Munchkin Big Box . . . Thursday, April 18th at 2pm Central.   While we wait, we want to know why YOU love Munchkin!   Do you have great memories of playing Munchkin, perhaps all the way back to...

Discworld RPG Bundle Of Holding Available For A Limited Time!

Bringing the realm of Sir Terry Pratchett's beloved Discworld series to your gaming table has never been more affordable, thanks to the Discworld RPG Bundle of Holding. The Disc Collection consists of three PDFs. The shining jewel is the Discworld Roleplaying Game, the Powered by GURPS stand-alone RPG that gives...

Ogre Minis Set 4 Shipping Early!

Earlier this year we launched Ogre Minis Set 4, our first project on BackerKit's relatively new crowdfunding platform. Not only did the platform work well, we were very happy with the response to Set 4. Our tried and true Ogre fanatics showed up to support it, and we were also...

Communication Situations

Recently, a short personal development video about conversational styles appeared In my YouTube feed. Since playing games can be a social event, improving communication among participants can increase the enjoyment of the game. The video described three aspects of communication and the different ways people interact: • Personal information: Can...

Camaraderie And Unity: A Cautionary Tale

As the recent solar eclipse fades into memory, I had mentally composed a sweet Daily Illuminator post about Steve Jackson Games. Long-time fans of SJ Games may know that a lot of folks do stuff for the company across the U.S. and even points abroad. As a result, it's a...

Daily Illuminator

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