Well, We Have Incidents And Badgers – So We're Golden?

Quick Quest 7: Incident at the Golden Badger

Not too long ago, I helped edit a Daily Illuminator from Stefan Jones about how he ran Quick Quest 7: Incident at the Golden Badger. One of the behind-the-scenes things I do is add images as appropriate in order to provide the JPG pizzazz that's all the rage on this World Wide Web.

To keep from having too many disparate images floating around, I checked to see if we had featured Incident at the Golden Badger in a previous Daily Illuminator, using Google's handy search ability where I can say "Hey, please pull up all results of 'Incident at the Golden Badger' from the Daily Illuminator section of our website."

Google informed me that we did not have any results in that area for "incident at the golden badger" . . . in quotes. But outside of quotes? Where Google searches each word individually? Yes, it had one hit . . .

The Illuminated Site of the Week Archives, where, indeed, the word "golden" appears . . . as does "badger." And "incident."

I'm not sure if this is as fascinating to you as it is to me, but they're an odd confluence of words to appear in a context beyond the Incident at the Golden Badger adventure, and I felt compelled to share.

-- Steven Marsh