Vote Now For The ENNIE Awards!

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The ENNIE Awards are an annual award ceremony held at Gen Con to recognize designers, writers, and artists for their work in tabletop RPGs. They're a people's choice award, and voting is currently open for the 2023 nominees!

A lot of really incredible art came out in the last year, and there's some real gems up for awards. If you're a fan of tabletop roleplaying, and want to see the teams behind the games and supplements you love get some well-earned recognition, check out the 2023 Nominees and 2024 Judge Candidates and cast your vote! Voting is open through 7/23, and the awards will be announced during Gen Con – the ceremony is at 8pm Eastern on August 4.

Of course, this article wouldn't be complete if I didn't abuse my position to give shout-outs to a couple of the titles I'm most excited to see up for awards . . . 



[Image]Pasión de las Pasiones is a delightfully inventive game inspired by telenovelas. If you love running games full of passion, drama, and shocking twists, you should definitely check it out. It has a well-deserved nomination for Best Game. I loved this book, and I hope I get to play the game one of these days!



[Image]Women Are Werewolves is a stunning narrative-forward game presented entirely on a gilded deck of tarot-sized cards. The innovative format and stunning execution have earned it a spot for Best Layout and Design.

9th Level also has two more nominations this year – the third volume of Level 1 Anthology is up for Best Free Product, and Horseshoe Academy is in the running for Best Family Game. I could gush about everything 9th Level does, given the space, but I'll let you see for yourself!


So go make your voice heard, and let me know in the forums which games you're rooting for this year!

-- Irene Zielinski

P.S. If you see me at the ENNIEs, say hi!