Trivia Answer: Omega!

Zombie Dice Horde Edition

Zombie Dice Pint Glass

We recently asked a two-part trivia question: What is the last Steve Jackson Games item alphabetically we're currently still selling, and what is the last Steve Jackson Games item alphabetically that is a complete game we're currently still selling?

The (coded) hint was that the two items were closely related. Fans of Steve Jackson Games are probably quite familiar with the complete game – and any sense of suspense was no doubt thwarted by the images included with this post. It's none other than the super-selling Zombie Dice Horde Edition (though give yourself a pat on the back for any variation of Zombie Dice).

And the last still-for-sale item of any flavor? That'd be the Zombie Dice Pint Glass – still on Warehouse 23!

We're hope you didn't strain your braaiiiinnss too hard on that one, and perhaps we'll do this again in the not-too-distant future!

-- Steven Marsh